Scrap Dive Quilts

Friday, April 26, 2019

Flannel Baby Quilt Complete

Flannel baby quilt complete. It took me a total of two evenings to compete, one to sew the top together and one to quilt and bind it. The squares were given to me by a fellow quilter. The batting was leftover from other projects. The white flannel backing and binding was off of a bolt that I bought from JoAnn's during one of their Christmas specials. I am trying to use up the bolt since I've had it in my stash for a few years. Pretty much a free quilt!

Sorry about the cat butt. He wouldn't get out of the way!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Scrappy Rag T-Shirt Quilts Galore

I can tell already that this is going to be a long process. I have been working on cutting scrap t-shirt scraps for what it seems like forever. This is the second rag quilt I have finished this month and I think since it will be such a long process, I am going to make two a month and work on other projects in between. By doing it that way I won't get bored and lose interest doing the same thing over and over again. In a prior post I mentioned that these will be donated. I'm hoping these quilts will make someone happy. One good thing is the low cost of making them. I still expect to make at least twenty, if not more. So many quilts, so little time!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Scrappy Rag T-Shirt Quilt Complete

I know this quilt is nothing to look at, but I hope it will make someone happy. I hate throwing anything away, especially scraps. Recently, I discovered that I have at least seven totes of t-shirt scraps leftover from all of the t-shirt quilts I have made. This quilt is made of 8 1/2 inch squares. I am I used leftover batting scraps as well. I have an abundance of batting scraps taking over my life, or at least my fabric storage.

Of course, Mr. Weasley is right there to help sew together the rows. He was actually behaving for once and allowed me to get something done.

My stacks of 6 1/2 and 8 1/2 inch squares that I have been cutting up. These will be turned into more rag quilts. 

My stacks of 4 1/2 inch squares that I have been cutting up. I plan on putting scrap interfacing on the backs and make scrap quilts out of these. I hate to know how many I've cut up so far. It seems like the cutting never ends! 

I expect to make at least a couple dozen quilts out of all of these t-shirt scraps. My plan is to donate them to various organizations. My goal is to make one once a month. Once I get everything cut, it should go a little faster. The good thing about these quilts is they cost me next to nothing to make. The backs are made up of sheets I bought at Goodwill several years ago for $2.00 a sheet. Talk about a bargain!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Chicago Cubs Quilt Complete!

Fly the W for me! I finally got this quilt on the longarm and completed. I am giving it to a friend of mine who lost nearly everything in a house fire several years ago. I offered to pay for her to get new family pictures taken but she either forgot or just never took advantage. I didn't forget and wanted to  make sure I followed through on that offer somehow. I think a quilt will work for her instead!

I visited her a couple of days after the fire happened. They were very lucky that day to get out unharmed. Unfortunately, she lost one of her beloved poodles. I learned a lot that day. Things can be replaced but your loved ones can't.