Scrap Dive Quilts

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year!

As 2017 approaches, I thought it would be good to start a quilt blog to document the quilts I make. I have a huge passion for quilting, and if I could, I would do it for a living. I love scraps and would rather work little tiny bits and pieces than yardage any day. I love taking fabric that people would normally throw away and make something out of it. I am by no means an expert quilter and I am still learning. My quilts are by no means perfect, but they are the best I can do at the time of construction. Like most quilters, I have goals each year to accomplish. I have listed some of them below:

My Quilting Goals for 2017: 
  • Finish My Top 5 UFOs 
  • Go To 4 Quilt Retreats
  • Reduce My Fabric Stash
  • Organize Fabric Stash
  • Finish 1 Quilt Per Week
  • Take A Quilting Class

I am sure that I am forgetting many of the things I want to get done this year, but that's all right. I can revise the list later. For now, I need to get back to quilting!

Sawtooth Star Quilt

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