Scrap Dive Quilts

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Scrappy Irish Chain Quilt Top Complete!

Scrappy Irish Chain Quilt Top
It has been another busy week. I spent five days in Topeka, Kansas for some training and came back to Iowa only to be greeted by a nasty blizzard 70 miles from home. It was slow-going due to icy roads and near white out conditions, but I made it to my first quilt retreat of the year. I arrived Friday evening and most of the ladies were surprised to see me. To be honest, I just as surprised as them to make it when I did. I thought I would have to wait until Saturday to get there, but I was fortunate, and made it only an hour later than I originally expected.

The only project I managed to complete was my scrappy Irish chain quilt top. I am excited to get this top completed. I found this pattern on under tutorials. The only modification I did was to add an extra row on the bottom so that it was symmetrical. I would like to do another one with the black background eventually.

I did work on a crumb block quilt as well. I only have to finish sewing a few rows together to complete it. That will be good to get that one done since I started it about six months ago.

Overall, it was a really great retreat. There is nothing better than being around a bunch of ladies that love to quilt as much as I do. I have another quilt retreat in April to go to. I am really looking forward to that one as well!

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