Scrap Dive Quilts

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Back in Quilting Business!

It is amazing how much I missed quilting after waiting two months to get a sewing machine shipped overseas. The first one I ordered is still missing and have since filed an insurance claim through the post office. I appreciate having the ability back in the states to get stuff quickly when needed. It is amazing how long some things take to get overseas. I had to finish the patriotic flag quilt top first. It was an easy project to start up with. 

I worked on the Rail Fence and Random Ohio Star quilt tops at the same time. It is kind of nice to work on two projects at once. It seems like I don't get bored and I can use one project as a leader and ender for the other one. I have quite a bit of catching up to do if I want to meet my quilting goal this year. I have plenty of projects cut and ready to sew together!


  1. I didn't see in your blog a mention that you were moving overseas. Is this a permanent move or for work? What country did you move to?

    1. Glad you are up and ready to start quilting again.
