Scrap Dive Quilts

Friday, August 31, 2018

Some Recent Finishes

It has been a very busy few months but I am slowly getting caught back up. I have returned from overseas and now in the process of getting all of the tops quilted that I made while overseas and the tops that I had stacked up before I left (about 50 in all - 32 while overseas). Our guild's quilt show is at the end of October so I need to pick up the pace! My goal is to have all 50 of them done. I have busy gathering quilt backs and batting and have enough backing fabric for around 30 tops. I will probably go shopping in my stash and will find some yardage and piece some together. I also plan on piecing some scrap batting together as well. It will be a great way to use some things up!

 I really hope that I can start posting in my blog again now that I am home.  I really got away from it and I have missed posting. It will be good to get back into it!

So many quilts, so little time!

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