Scrap Dive Quilts

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Selvage Quilt Progress

It's been a couple of weeks since I last posted. I've been making slow and steady progress on my selvage quilt. Apparently, I struggle at counting since I was seven cornerstones short when I laid the quilt out. I have since made the seven cornerstones. I'm glad I took the time to lay it out. I plan on bringing it to the quilt retreat next month to finish up. That would have been fun to discover that I was short! 

With this quilt set aside, I am starting to cut a few more projects up for the quilt retreat. I try to avoid cutting anything at retreats. I like to have projects all ready to go to avoid mistakes and wasting precious sewing time. I also like to make a checklist to ensure that I have everything I need. There is nothing worse that forgetting something at a retreat. One nice thing about the retreat I'm going to next month is that I've been there two other times so there is no mystery of what I need to bring or leave behind. I've heard of retreats where space is very limited and I cannot imagine how anyone gets anything done. It's nice to be able to spread things out. 

My goal the rest of the week is to finish cutting projects up and to also take a look at my UFOs to see if make any progress on them. I also want to get a quilt loaded on the longarm and start working on some of the tops that I have piled up. I don't want to be in a situation like I was in last year where I ended up quilting nearly 50 quilts in less than two months. Not fun!

Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2018 Quilting Year in Review

2018 was a fantastic year for quilting. I made it to one quilt retreat and finished a total of 61 quilts. I still have about 10 quilt tops to finish and 7 quilts that are cut up and ready to go. I also have three more that are close to being done. I also got my longarm fixed which was huge in finishing all of those quilts. I had a total of 81 quilts in the Fort Dodge Area Quilter's quilt show. I was also awarded a quilt of valor. It was really weird to be on the receiving end! Finally, I was recognized for quilting while I was deployed. You can see the link here: 

In October, I was able to go on a couple of road trips. The first was to Elkhorn, Nebraska to go to a Bonnie Hunter trunk show. The second was down to Hamilton, Missouri to see Jenny's trunk show. The funniest thing was the shows were in the same week! 

hat, I think its time to look forward to 2019 and make some goals for the new year. They are pretty much the same as last year's with a couple of additions:

1. Finish 1 quilt a week (52 quilts)
2. Go to four quilt retreats
3. Finish all UFOs
4. Get 1 vintage sewing machine taken in to get cleaned/fixed
5. Take a longarm quilting class
6. Organize quilt stash
7. Make 4 Quilts of Valor

8. Donate 1 quilt every other month to a local organization

It is going to be another fun year and I'm looking forward to it!