Scrap Dive Quilts

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2018 Quilting Year in Review

2018 was a fantastic year for quilting. I made it to one quilt retreat and finished a total of 61 quilts. I still have about 10 quilt tops to finish and 7 quilts that are cut up and ready to go. I also have three more that are close to being done. I also got my longarm fixed which was huge in finishing all of those quilts. I had a total of 81 quilts in the Fort Dodge Area Quilter's quilt show. I was also awarded a quilt of valor. It was really weird to be on the receiving end! Finally, I was recognized for quilting while I was deployed. You can see the link here: 

In October, I was able to go on a couple of road trips. The first was to Elkhorn, Nebraska to go to a Bonnie Hunter trunk show. The second was down to Hamilton, Missouri to see Jenny's trunk show. The funniest thing was the shows were in the same week! 

hat, I think its time to look forward to 2019 and make some goals for the new year. They are pretty much the same as last year's with a couple of additions:

1. Finish 1 quilt a week (52 quilts)
2. Go to four quilt retreats
3. Finish all UFOs
4. Get 1 vintage sewing machine taken in to get cleaned/fixed
5. Take a longarm quilting class
6. Organize quilt stash
7. Make 4 Quilts of Valor

8. Donate 1 quilt every other month to a local organization

It is going to be another fun year and I'm looking forward to it! 

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