Scrap Dive Quilts

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Amanda's T-Shirt Quilt Complete

The challenge with this quilt was not the quilt itself, it was battling Mr. Weasley while making it. He wanted to be a helper, which he clearly was not. He's still cute though! 

My daughter graduated from high school in 2015 but still had quite a few t-shirts that she wanted to keep. I made her a rag quilt with all of her red and black shirts when she graduated. In this one, there are a few of her college t-shirts along with ones she wore in high school. Hopefully this will bring back some memories for her! It did for me while I was making it. 

I think Mr. Weasley knows he's in trouble!

Different picture, same attitude!

Time to move onto the next project! Hopefully Mr. Weasley will let me.

Happy Quilting!

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