Scrap Dive Quilts

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Military Uniform Quilt Top Complete!

Military Uniform Quilt Top
I spent much of the weekend working on an Air Force quilt made out of old uniforms. I've been wanting to do one for quite a while now, so it was nice to finally get going on it. There are a couple of things I learned on this quilt. The hunter's star quilt block may not be the best block for a quilt like this due to the fact that there was quite a bit of bulk due to the thickness of the uniform, even with pressing the seams open, I do like the the look of the blocks so maybe it isn't the end of the world. I also learned that if you are going to be commissioned to make a quilt out of military uniforms, you will need quite a few to make a decent size quilt. Overall, I am pretty happy with the way this has turned out. My longarm is still down so I will just add this to the pile of tops I have started.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

String Theory Quilt Top Complete!

String Theory Quilt Top
Today I finishing my string theory quilt top up. Unfortunately, my longarm is still out of commission, otherwise I would have finished it completely. This pattern is from the April 2017 issue of American Patchwork & Quilting. It is called String Theory by Sharon Tucker. Her design called for red and cheddar rectangles. I used dark blue and light blue rectangles instead. I wanted to use some fabric that I already had on hand, so that is what I went with. I was very surprised about how many scraps I used up on this little quilt. I may make another one of these sometime in the near future. I've been collecting selvages for a while now and I wonder how a selvage quilt would look in a pattern like this? There's only one way to find out!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Scrappy Irish Chain Complete!

Tonight didn't really go as planned but I still managed to finish my scrappy Irish chain quilt,  I had some issues with the longarm and will have to wait for technical support to get back to me. I tried to troubleshoot for an hour and never did figure out what was wrong. It's frustrating, but there isn't much I can do about it. I have a quilt all loaded up, ready to quilt. I was hoping to get it done tonight. I also cannot wait until it gets nice out so I take pictures outside again. My living room is not very picture friendly for quilt pictures. Time to figure out another project while I wait for my longarm to get fixed!


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Crumb Quilt Complete!

Crumb Quilt
It has been another busy weekend of quilting to say the least. I finished this crumb quilt that I started last August or September. I ended up using scrap binding to finish the quilt to not only save time, but to use some more scraps up. I also quilted the scrappy Irish chain quilt this afternoon. I still have to put the binding on and I want to try to get that done either tonight or tomorrow night, The last project that I worked on this weekend was my project with the 1 1/2 strips. I just finished the top this morning. All together, it was a pretty good weekend, It's always nice to get things done!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Another Scrappy Quilt Started

What do you do when someone gives you a grocery bag full of 1 1/2 inch strips? Find a pattern that uses them of course! I found this pattern in The Quilter magazine from August/September 2012 that I acquired somehow. The pattern is called Hearts and Scraps by Michelle Crawford. I don't plan on appliqueing the hearts on the border and I may not even add it. I like to modify patterns to make them work for me. I'm sure that I'm not the only quilter that does this. I can't wait to see how this one is going to turn out!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Bob's Half Square Triangle Quilt

Bob's HST Quilt
This morning I finished up a quilt for my uncle who is in a nursing home. The first one I had made him was too big and heavy. I had a bunch of 8 1/2 inch squares already cut up, so I cut a few more and made HST's out of them. I started this Friday night and finished up the binding this morning. I used a piece of dark blue backing left over from another project. I ended up using a thin sheet for the batting. The binding was leftover from other quilt projects. Hopefully this will work better for him.