Scrap Dive Quilts

Monday, February 25, 2019

Blizzard Quilt Retreat 2019

What a wild weekend! The weather started out fine Thursday. Friday night saw freezing rain. Saturday afternoon consisted of rain, freezing rain, snow, wind and more wind. It was clear that none of use were going anywhere anytime soon. When I looked at the forecast earlier in the week, I knew there was snow forecasted, but I didn't see anything about a blizzard with 8 to 12 inches of snow!

Despite or in spite of the weather, I managed to get four quilt tops finished. I started out with my t-shirt quilt that has been cut up for over a year now. It was nice to get it sewn together.

I was able to get a few pictures of how bad the weather was. I'm not sure who's car this was but she did get it cleared off and was able to head home. 

Another Iowa State quilt top completed.

Please note the size of the drift by the building. The wind was crazy. I am just thankful we didn't lose power!

Another Chicago cubs quilt top complete.

Last but not least, I  finished this scrappy hourglass quilt top today. Day number five of the retreat due to the weather. The Twin Lakes Bible Camp staff were simply amazing the entire weekend. They let us stay an extra night, fed us an extra meal and plowed us out as fast as they humanly could. In addition, they help many of us load our vehicles. I cannot thank them enough. 

As fun as the weekend was, I'm happy to be home with the car unloaded and everything put away. It will be nice to sleep in my own bed tonight dreaming of my next quilt project!

Happy Quilting!

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