Scrap Dive Quilts

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Five Rag Quilts in Eleven Days

I cannot believe the pile of t-shirts I received on the 20th of November have been transformed into five quilts already. In between all of the sewing and cutting, I hosted Thanksgiving as well. I do have to give credit to one of my quilting friends that did sew one of the quilts together on Thanksgiving day after all of the festivities were over. 

Memory quilts are both something I love and hate to do. The main reason why I love to do them is that I know it helps the family heal and provides them some comfort in a difficult time. The reason why I hate doing them is that I know that a family suffered a loss and I feel for them. In this case, two children lost their dad and I can't begin to fathom what they are going through. 

I just hope that when I make these quilts, I am making them the way they envision them. I make sure that I follow their instructions carefully (they didn't want one side of the shirt in the quilt) and get it right. I probably get annoying by calling and texting if I need clarification on something. I want to get it right. Once the shirts are cut, you can't undo it. 

I hope these quilts do provide some healing for the family. I am happy that they will have these quilts for years to come. 

I would love to take a break, but I have some other projects that I have been commissioned to do and I need to get those done as well. Those projects have been put off far too long and need to get done. I feel bad that I put these five ahead of them but I think they will understand. 

Time to get back to quilting!

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