Scrap Dive Quilts

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Longarm Frustrations

I'm not sure how long I had this quilt on my longarm, but I'm sure it had been at least six months. I am pretty confident that I will be getting a new longarm soon. I am done trying to figure the one I have out, plus the company is out of business so I have no support for it. My plan is to do some research, test some machines out, ask a lot of questions and get the right one for me. 

I was really looking forward to getting this quilt done, but now I just cringe looking at the quilting. There were many skipped stiches and no matter what I did, nothing helped. So frustrating! I just hope the individual that commissioned me to make this one and two others will understand. My goal is to finish up the quilts I have been commissioned to do and get caught up a little bit. Hopefully 2020 will be more productive for quilting! 

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