Scrap Dive Quilts

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Mask Making Frenzy

Like many quilters right now, I have devoted much of my time making masks. I know that there are doctors and nurses out there that on the front lines in this battle. Hopefully, we can get this virus slowed down before we lose too many people. 

 So far, in the limited time that I have since I am still working, I have made close to 100 masks. Those masks have been made for the hospital, for family members and friends. I don't expect payment, even for shipping. To me, it doesn't seem right that people have to pay to protect themselves and others. I have told my friends to just pay it forward. That is how we are going to get through this. We have to do it together.

Even Mr. Weasley is trying to do his part!

I started making masks with cloth ties instead of hair ties so I could make that I would have enough hair ties for the masks that the hospital were requesting. 

While I can't wait to get back to quilting, I know that this is important. While the coronavirus hasn't been too widespread here, I know that it can change quickly. I thank each and everyone in this fight. Please keep masking those masks! If you have the time and materials, please make a few. There is a need out there. I know hospitals, nursing homes, family and friends can use them. Make sure that you don't forget about yourself, especially if you have to be out in public!

Be safe out there!

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