Scrap Dive Quilts

Monday, February 24, 2020

Quilt Retreat Fun!

While I didn't get near as many quilts finished that I would have liked, this weekend was still fun. I finished two quilt tops and randomly climbed a rock wall after a Boy Scout group went through. I didn't think I was going to make it to the top, but I did! It was very challenging and took all of my strength to make it to the top to ring the bell. Luckily, I had my fellow quilters down below cheering me on. 

I think that is why I love quilting so much. I always have so much support from my quilting friends when I doubt myself in what I am making. They gave me the strength to keep going on that wall as well. I hope that I can pay it forward when the times like those come around. Somethimes that is all it takes, a kind word or a little encouragement to make a huge impact. 

Another lesson that I learned here is to take advantage of opportunities when they come up. I am almost 48 years old and have never climbed a rock wall before. I saw an opportunity and I took advantage of it. Life is too short not to experience all of what it offers.

Keep quilting, keep climbing and keep encouraging others!

Happy Quilting!

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