Scrap Dive Quilts

Sunday, October 28, 2018

And Sew it Begins...Again!

Another great quilt show has come and gone. Now it's time for a new batch of scraps from the scrap dive. Two years ago, at the end of our last show, I bought the remaining scraps. I ended up making forty quilts with those scraps. I plan on doing a post on that soon once I finish the last two quilts up. I ended up buying the remaining scraps from the scrap dive this year. It seems like I brought home quite a bit more this year. Here are my goals the next two years with these scraps:

 1. Make fifty quilts before the next show.
2. Make thirty quilts with new patterns that I haven't used before.
3. Use all of the fabric up.

I'm sure I will think of other goals as I continue to sort the fabrics. It's a bit overwhelming having a pile that big on the floor. It took my daughter and I four days to sort all of the scraps two years ago. I'm thinking it will take me at least a week if not longer to get all of this organized. 

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