Scrap Dive Quilts

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Sunday Finishes

It would be nice if this rain would ever let up. I shouldn't complain, the main reason why I want it to stop raining is so I can take pictures of my quilts outside. I know the farmers are really struggling to get their crops out. Their livelihood is as stake whereas I just want a decent picture. 

Today was once again frustrating. The longarm wasn't playing nice again but I did manage to finish my scrappy mountain majesties and wedge quilts. I know the wedge quilt was a UFO from two or three years ago so it is nice to get that one off the list. 

I am off tomorrow and hopefully I can get something figured out with the longarm and get some more quilts finished up. The days are speeding by and the quilt show is coming up fast. Hopefully I will be ready!

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