Scrap Dive Quilts

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year, New Attitude

Happy New Year! As I write this post, I had to reflect back on 2019 and think about all of the quilting goals I had made for the year. Needless to say, I fell way short on most of them. Am I upset that I didn't make one quilt per week? No, a person has to do more than quilt day and night. There are things like spending time with friends and family that matter more than cranking out a bunch of quilts. It is all about perspective. Do what you can with what you have and where you are in life at that moment. For 2020, I am not setting any quilting goals. Looking at the year already, I realize that I will have a lot going on so why put unrealistic goals out there only to stress myself out?

This past week I have been cutting projects along with sewing some blocks together. I managed to get all of the blocks made for my White House Squares Quilt and cut everything up except for the sashing for my second Bear Paw Quilt.

On another project that I have been working on, I had a ton of four patches to make. I finally decided to see if I could learn to spin my seams. Needless to say, it is fairly easy once I got going. I used the power of google and found a ton of videos on how to do it. A fellow quilter once told me to challenge myself. I had just joined my quilt guild and I thought that was an excellent piece of advice. I hope that I will never stop learning new techniques or trying new patterns. I know it is easy to get stuck in a rut and never do anything different. That was how I was for my first twenty years in quilting.

I hope that this year will be a good one! Happy Quilting!


  1. Lynn,
    When I saw your string theory quilt I felt I had to
    tell you it is beautiful. Another thing which made me
    comment was your New Year New Attitude.

    When I read this it resonated with me.
    I'm a self taught quilter being doing it a few years.
    Lately I put too much pressure on myself.
    I felt overehelmed and sorry that I ever started
    quilt making. I like to challenge myself
    but I also want to enjoy the process
    Every quilt doesn't need a gazillion hst.
    The quilt that's on your wall is lovely. Mary C

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words. Just remember that quilting should be fun!
