Scrap Dive Quilts

Sunday, November 18, 2018

My New Quilting Buddy

I haven't got much quilting done lately. It seems like every time I turn around, I have something going on. This weekend was no exception. I've been thinking about getting another cat for a while now. My 18 year old cat, BoBo, passed away in February and it hasn't been the same without a four legged friend in the house. One of the girls at work knew of someone who was looking for a home for about ten cats from two different litters. I drove two hours yesterday morning to Denver, Iowa to meet this guy. After about a half an hour of meeting him and a few of the other cats, I knew he was the one for me. 

I loaded him up in the cat carrier and made my way back home. I can honestly say he did pretty good in the car. He cried a little initially, but once we got going, he settled down until the final twenty minutes of the trip.

 Once we were back, he made himself right at home. He found his water, food and litter box. He even found a carboard box lid to chill in! I decided to let my daughter name him. She came over after she got off work with cat toys for him. She liked the names Oliver and Weasley. Since we are Harry Potter fans, we thought he should be a Weasley since he is part ginger. We came up with Weasley Oliver for a name. My mom thought we should call him Ollie for short. We will see what happens!

He tried to help me with my string blocks earlier today. He seemed really confused with what I was doing. He will get used to it! Hopefully I can get some quilting done next weekend. I have a lot of projects that I want get going on and finish!

Happy Quilting!

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