Scrap Dive Quilts

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving Memories

It's no secret in my family that Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday. Christmas is way too commercialized. Halloween is getting that way as well. Thanksgiving is all about eating and being thankful. I've hosted my family's Thanksgiving for about the past ten years. I usually put on a pretty good spread of appetizers before we even eat the main meal. I always have pickle wraps, little smokies, a meat and cheese tray along with buffalo chicken dip, a veggie tray and mushrooms. The list goes on and on! 

Reflecting on my life, I am truly blessed. I am thankful for my family, friends,  job, and health, I am also thankful for my ability to make quilts. This year I wanted to give my family something special. I gave everyone who came to Thanksgiving this year a quilt. I had everyone draw numbers and started with number one. The rules were simple: No stealing and if you didn't want one, you could give your number to someone else. 

I really thought that it would take a while for everyone to choose their quilts. I was wrong! I spread them out on the floor and it seemed like they had an idea of what they wanted when their number came up.

Most everyone took their quilts out to their cars right away! I told them there was no stealing! Even my dad wasn't going to take the chance.

I gave away twenty quilts to my family today. It was nice to be able to give some of my nieces and nephews a quilt since they didn't have one yet. I know there are a few family members out there who don't have a quilt yet. I will have to do something else some other time. In the mean time, I better get back to quilting!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

1 comment:

  1. That was a nice idea. I chose to do niece quilts this year with a coupla of random anyone else quilts. Nephew quilts next year with randoms also. I will do this until all my family gets quilts at our annual holiday dinner.
