Scrap Dive Quilts

Monday, December 24, 2018

A Pair of Rag Quilts Complete!

Merry Christmas! Not only does the holiday bring family together, it also gives me a chance to get caught up on some quilt projects. I managed to get these two rag quilts done this weekend. I've had these projects cut up for at least two years. I was so busy with my scrap dive projects, I put these on the back burner. They are made from leftover t-shirt scraps, scrap batting, and old bed sheets for the backings. If that doesn't scream frugal, I don't know what does!

The main reason why I wanted to get these finished was to add to the pile of quilts to be given away at Christmas. During Thanksgiving, I ended up giving away 21 quilts to family members, however, not everyone was there. My niece and her family are traveling from Colorado to be here for Christmas. My oldest brother and his family will also be here for Christmas as well. Both family's missed out on my Thanksgiving quilt giveaway. 

While I have enough quilts to be given away at Christmas, I wanted to have a few extra so that the last person to pick wouldn't feel like they got the short end of the stick. I think I have enough variety to make everyone happy. 

Be safe during the holiday season!

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