Scrap Dive Quilts

Monday, September 24, 2018

Bookcase and Double Knit Polyester Quilts Complete

Yesterday after the quilt retreat was over, I quilted these two quilts on the longarm  and put the binding on them tonight. I didn't plan on quilting the double knot polyester quilt but after loading the backing fabric on, I realized the quilt that I originally planned to quilt was too wide for the backing. It wasn't cut straight. This was the only quilt that was narrow enough. It was very challenging to quilt. If I were to do it again, I would press the seams open to reduce bulk. I had issues quilting over the seams. 

This is the third bookcase quilt that I have completed. I was thinking about doing a tutorial on how I make them. Once I get all of the quilts done for the quilt show, I may put a free tutorial together. Right now my focus is on getting the rest of the quilts completed for the quilt show. There just not enough hours in the day!

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