Scrap Dive Quilts

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Two Patriotic Quilts Complete

Today I went over to the quilt shop to talk with the ladies and realized I never got a picture of the Moda Love Quilt of Valor I made a while back. I made the top and Cindy quilted and bound it. It will be presented this October. I had another quilt there but she couldn't find it. It is missing in action. I think she gave it to one of our quilt guild members to bind and it just isn't back yet. No worries! It will show up eventually! 

I managed to finish my patriotic string quilt that I was working on this past weekend at the retreat. I was frustrated with the longarm again. More skipped stitches and it didn't seem to matter what I did. One of these days I will get it figured out!

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